Self storage that works for you
Simple. Book your storage and collection online or through the phone, your possessions are collected and stored in secure, climate controlled facility. We bring your them back when you need them. No hassle. No muscle.

Book your storage and collection online or through the phone.

Your items are stored in secure, climate controlled facility.

We bring your items back when you need them. No hassle.
Storage Units for Letchworth Garden City locals
In addition to the beauty of Letchworth Garden City, residents in this area now have the great benefit of dependable self storage solutions. Gone are the days of having to carry a load of items to a storage facility in Letchworth. Now that easyStorage is around, you no longer have to search further than your front door for secure self storage solutions.
Once you’ve called to arrange a collection date, the easyStorage team will show up with a van and easyPod in tow. The easyPod we bring along is like a portable self storage unit that’s perfectly suited to your volume of valuables. When everything is packed into the easyPod, we seal it onsite to ensure your peace of mind. Then we drive it off to our nearby storage facilities and deliver it again when you need it next. There’s no better way to do self storage in Letchworth Garden City.
While Letchworth, as we now know it, was first established in the early 20th century, the area it occupies has been inhabited since at least 700 BC. Fast forward a couple of millennia to when the very first “Garden City'' was established.
The modern development of Letchworth Garden City started in 1903. At this time, much of the land in the area was bought by a company called First Garden City Limited. The founder of the company, Ebenezer Howard, had the aim of creating an alternative to the industrial city. His plans combined the best of both town and country living, and the layout included the United Kingdom’s first roundabout. This was built in 1909 at the junction of Spring, Sollershott, and Broadway Road.
The town’s all-inclusive plans were designed to attract plenty of local craftsmen and tradespeople. As a thriving location in the modern-day, Letchworth has fulfilled the goal set out for it, and it still attracts plenty of new business owners. Letchworth Garden City hosts a diverse mix of eclectic craft-folk, artisan producers, and independent shops. Visitors come here as a way to escape commercial chain stores, and rarely are they disappointed by their findings.
If you are the owner of an independent shop or stall at one of the many fairs hosted in Letchworth, you’ll know just how important it is to securely store your extra stock. In previous years, business people have had to lug their loads to and from storage units, costing precious time and money. easyStorage saves you both by bringing your storage unit directly to you. With the easyStorage offering available at the dial of a number, store and stall owners in Letchworth never need to worry about business storage again.
Letchworth Garden City is the place to be for nature enthusiasts. A popular point of attraction in Letchworth is The Letchworth Greenway. This 13.6-mile circular walking route surrounds the Garden City estate. Along the way, there are plenty of attractions to visit. Standalone Farm is a favourite choice amongst families. Other green gems include the Willian Arboretum, Wymondley Wood, Radwell Meadows, and Norton Pond. There’s even a free app for the Greenway, serving as a GPS and suggesting routes to its users.
Whether you’ve lived here all your life, or you’re a newcomer in the area, Letchworth Garden City has enough to keep you entertained for the rest of time. While you’re roaming the meadows, parks, and woodlands, don’t let storage take up space in your mind. Whatever your storage problems are in Letchworth, easyStorage has the solution. We also offer storage to the surrounding areas of Ampthill, Hertford, Buntingford, and Sawbridgeworth. Contact the easyStorage team today to find out more about self storage solutions in your area.