Self storage that works for you
Simple. Book your storage and collection online or through the phone, your possessions are collected and stored in secure, climate controlled facility. We bring your them back when you need them. No hassle. No muscle.

Book your storage and collection online or through the phone.

Your items are stored in secure, climate controlled facility.

We bring your items back when you need them. No hassle.
Storage Units for Woodbridge locals
Thanks to easyStorage, Woodbridge now offers its residents convenient self storage solutions. Why worry about transportation and storage when we can do it all for you? With easyStorage, we send our easyVan to a location of your choice. Whether you want to pick up your items at your home or a former self storage facility, we're there for you. Plus, the van and fuel are at our expense, so you only have to pay for the cost of storage.
At easyStorage, we pride ourselves on making self storage services accessible to all. We're up to 50% cheaper than traditional storage services in Woodbridge. Don't worry about expensive storage prices anymore. When you need your items again, we'll deliver them wherever you want. So, are you in Woodbridge and wondering, "is there a self storage service near me?". If so, you've come to the right place. Whether you need furniture storage or removal and storage services, easyStorage has got your back.
easyStorage also offers self storage services in nearby locations around the UK. These include Haverhill, Halstead and Manningtree. Now that we know Woodbridge offers excellent self storage options, let's see what other unique selling points make this town stand out.
Woodbridge in Suffolk is a market and port town nestled on the banks of the River Deben and the sea. The hamlet is steeped in ancient history and offers abundant natural beauty. Woodbridge offers various attractions, from beaches and forests to bespoke shopping.
Woodbridge is located on the Suffolk coast and borders an Outstanding Natural Beauty area. The lush landscape that surrounds the town features many wooded areas. As a result, there are many idyllic walking and biking trails in and around the town. If you're an outdoor enthusiast and need a place to store your gear, easyStorage has the right solution for you. Our easyPods offer more than enough space for equipment like bikes, fishing rods and any of your sports equipment.
In addition to its natural surroundings, Woodbridge is also home to many relics of the past. Across the river is the famous archaeological site of Sutton Hoo. This Saxon royal tomb attracts tourists and locals alike. Closer to the town centre is Woodbridge Tide Mill, one of the country's first mills. It was built over 800 years ago and can be visited to learn more about its rich heritage. History buffs can visit the Woodbridge Tide Mill Museum on Tide Mill Way. The museum tells the long history of the town's development. The town began as an Anglo-Saxon settlement and mediaeval trading centre. Today it's a popular place of residence for more than 12,000 people.
Woodbridge is also home to some of the most fantastic streets in the country. High Street offers an array of bespoke boutiques and independent stores. Woodbridge is bustling with commerce, from designer clothing to unique arts and crafts, all housed in old Victorian buildings. If you're a shop owner looking for affordable business storage, you should turn to easyStorage. Our efficient self storage services offer hassle-free storage solutions at cheap storage prices.
In 2010, Woodbridge was named one of the top six cities in the country for foodies by Country Living. Whether you're looking for a bite to eat or want to sample Woodbridge's iconic dishes, there are plenty of places to choose from. The Sutton Plough on Main Road serves traditional pub fare in a warm, cosy atmosphere. The East Coast Diner offers delicious pizzas and vegan options on Church Street. If you prefer Indian cuisine, The Royal Bengal on Quay Street is the place to go.
Need an efficient and inexpensive self storage unit near Woodbridge? easyStorage can help. Our nearby self storage facilities are convenient for Woodbridge residents. Call easyStorage today if you're looking for a secure storage unit!
“Impressive and flexible service”
"The easyStorage crew made an extremely stressful week easier for me by being some of the most helpful, polite, and flexible people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. They maintained their professionalism and cheerful demeanour throughout, despite difficult access conditions and terrible rain and wind to get the job done. If you need cost-effective, professional, and convenient storage, be sure to contact them." - Jay