Claire Thompson
March 1, 2023

easyStorage South Wales Gets a Warm Welsh Welcome

"Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus", Happy St David’s Day, to our South Wales team and their customers. To celebrate, we caught up with the latest easyStorage franchise team to find out how their new venture is progressing.

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been six weeks since we introduced easyStorage South Wales on this blog. St David’s Day is all about Welsh pride, and so we used it to catch up and see how the latest easyStorage franchise is doing.

The team are loving Wales, and getting used to some cultural quirks, not least of which is wearing daffodil headdresses at big rugby matches which, having come from South Africa, they love.  They are loving the warm Welsh welcome they’ve been getting, and find they’ve been embraced by the community they find themselves in.

They are still working with the church they helped out when they lost their regular premises: the church has converted to a ‘pop-up church’, appearing every Sunday morning and clearing down in the afternoon with the help of the easyStorage team.

Ashleigh, the easy orange van, is doing sterling service and was recently called in to help a woman who had been given just a week’s notice to leave her accommodation.. Imagine her relief when she discovered that not only can store her things, but collect them and deliver them back when she gets resettled. (The team can even pack for customers when required.) The team even managed, with careful loading, so pack her belongings into two, rather than three, easyPods, saving her money.

Director Carl has a lot of empathy with her situation and thinks about the time when he first came to the UK and could have used a service like easyStorage’s mobile storage rather than having to handle the logistics of van hire etc for expensive traditional self-storage.

Other customers already include people storing stock for installation, a property manager, and people preparing to get their boats back on the water this spring, storing away extra sails and the like until needed.

And all of the easyStorage teams are impressed by the mini easyStorage pods created by their senior team member, Tyrone, being used by many as pencil holders. Head office even commissioned two for a recent event. (Shhh, don’t tell, but I’m also working out how to get my hands on one!)

We love that South Wales has taken the easyStorage team into their community so wholeheartedly, and wish them, their customers and their customers to be "Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus", Happy St David’s Day.

Claire Thompson

Claire joined the easyStorage family as a blogger in August 2020 and is loving it! Her passions include writing and learning, and with easyStorage she’s learning new things fast. When not tapping at a keyboard she can be found renovating an old cottage, despite having inherited a complete lack of DIY skills from her father. She has two children, now grown up, and a dopey, loving Vizler (dog), Chester, who steadfastly refuses to do the same. She claims he’s her soulmate!

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