How much space do you need?
We'll help you find you the right space
(and the right price) for your storage needs.
Select size
35 sq ft
70 sq ft
105 sq ft
Our most popular unit size is
35 sq ft
, but don't worry, you can change sizes later.
Storage duration
How long do you need it for?
I'm not sure
1 Week
4 weeks
8 weeks
3 months
6 months
1 year +
Expected collection date
Great! Let’s confirm some last details.
To give you our best possible price, we just need a few details about you.
Full name
Email address
Phone Number
Confirm your postcode
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Why easyStorage?
We pick it up, store it, and deliver it when you need it — without costing you more.
You won't lift a finger. We do all the work.
Your items are safe in sealed pods.
No price increase. No hidden fees.
We're here to help
Every day
0800 061 4091